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Marketing & Promotion for SAEM
In the course, Marketing for Sports, Arts, and Entertainment Management, we were to present a marketing plan for Point Park Pittsburgh Playhouse's Spring Awakening. For this project, we were given 15 weeks to complete. This included creating a persona, SWOT Analysis, social media posts, demographics, partnerships, KPIs, and ROIs.
For Introduction to Financial Accounting. My project was to create a Financial Statement and Analysis for a company. I was given the costs and needed to create an Adjusted Trail Balance, Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, and Balance Sheet. Then I had to create an analysis report comparing to a similar company using ratios. The project was completed through Excel.
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Intro to SAE
In the course Introduction to SAE, I was able to shadow a social media manager for Point Park University. After, shadowing I wrote a paper about everything I was able to learn through the job shadow experience.
Marketing in Sponsorships
In this course, I was able to make a pitch deck from a company to a brand for a sponsorship. The company I chose was a music venue that is located in Pittsburgh, PA and I was pitching to a company also located in Pittsburgh. This project gave me an understadning of sponsorships and what goes into them, like activiation, target audience, tie-ins, and more.
Business of Live Entertainment
In Business of Live Entertainment, I was to create a presentation for a concert. For the presentation, I used PowerPoint. I needed to find an artist/band and create a plan for a concert. The plan needed to include: venue, stage, ticketing, pricing of tickets, source of revenue, sponsorships, merchandising deals, budget (travel, marketing, crew, food, hotel, equipment, and personal costs), settlement process, and stage hands.
Human Resources Management
The course Human Resource Management required a presentation through PowerPoint, of how certain situations should be handled within an office. The situations that were used was when there is a relationship in an office, taking employee complaints, hostile work environment, and engaging employees. With these situations, I was able to show how to handle the situations properly.
SAEM Internship
For my internship, I was given the opportunity to work for Promowest (AEG) at Stage AE as a Promotions and Marketing Intern. I was an intern from August to Decemeber 2023. During my intersnhip, I wrote weekly blogs and also wrote a review of my intership. The paper included the history of Stage AE, a SWOT anaylsis, and skills/knowledge I gained.
Business Models of SAE
In the course of the senior capstone for SAE, I did a research project on the business model for a company. The research included the business model canvas and the nine elements of the business model. The key elements I did research on were key partners, key activities, key resources, value propositions, customer relationships, channels, cost structure, and revenue streams. After the research, I wrote a paper and presented a PowerPoint.
Event Management
In my course Event Management, I was taught how to plan an event and manage it. In the course, I was able to create two different events. One event was created independently while the other was within a team. For both projects, I created a budget, timesheet, and runsheet for the events.
Facility & Venue Design/Administration
In the Facility & Venue Design/Administration course, it was reviewed the different type of facilities and venues in the entertainment and sports industry. For my project, I had to create my own venue. I was able to conduct research on similar venues and use knowledge from the course to create a new venue for the entertainment industry.
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